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 Alizah Bat Sarah

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Are Ladies Obligated In Hearing Parashat Zachor
On the Shabbat immediately preceding Purim, known as "Shabbat Zachor," we take a second Sefer Torah from the Heichal (Ark) and read from it the special reading of "Zachor." This section speaks of Amalek, the Jewish people's primary foe, and this nation's attack against Benei Yisrael in the wilderness. Through this reading we fulfill the Torah obligation to recall this incident at least once a year. This section of "Zachor" must be read from a proper Torah scroll in the presence of a Minyan.

Does this obligation include women, as well?

The Sefer Ha'chinuch (anonymous work on the 613 commandments, attributed by some to Rabbi Aharon Halevi, Spain, 1235-1300) was of the view that women are not bound by this obligation. He argues that since the obligation entails remembering Amalek's hostility and waging war against this enemy nation, women, who do not go out to battle, are excluded from this Mitzva. Many others, however, dispute the Chinuch's position, noting that in situations of a Milchemet Mitzva (war that the Torah obligates the Jewish people to wage), even new brides must join the war effort.

Chacham Ovadia Yosef ruled that since the matter is subject to debate, women should preferably make an effort to come to the synagogue to hear the reading of Zachor. If, however, a woman cannot leave her home due to her responsibilities to her children and the like, then she is exempt.

Is it permissible to take out a Sefer Torah later in the day on Shabbat Zachor to read the Zachor section on behalf of women who were unable to attend the morning service?

Chacham Ovadia Yosef ruled that this is, indeed, permissible, provided that ten men are present for the reading. Needless to say, nobody is called to the Torah for Aliyot during this reading, and no Berachot are recited. The Rabbi or Chazan should announce before the reading that the audience should have in mind to fulfill their obligation to read the section of Zachor by listening to the public reading.

Summary: Women who can make arrangements to attend the synagogue for the reading of Zachor should do so; a community may conduct a second reading later in the day for women who could not attend the morning services, provided that ten men are present.