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The Nine Days –Wallpapering, Making New Purchases, and Eating Meat

The Sages instruct, "Mi’shenichnas Ab Mema’atin Be’simha" – "When Ab enters, we reduce our joy." This means that with the onset of the month of Ab, we are to avoid certain undertakings that bring us special joy. Thus, for example, one should not have his home freshly painted or wallpapered during the period of the Nine Days from Rosh Hodesh Ab though Tisha B"Ab. Likewise, it is forbidden to make any kind of renovations or purchases for the home that are done for strictly decorative purposes. It is also customary not to make significant purchases that bring a person special excitement, such as a new car. Strictly speaking, such purchases are allowed during the Nine Days, but the accepted custom is not to make major purchases like these, since they bring a person joy which is inappropriate for this period of mourning. Major purchases should therefore be delayed until after Tisha B’Ab.

Similarly, during the Nine Days one should not purchase items for a bride and groom in preparation for their marriage, since these are joyous purchases. However, if the wedding is taking place immediately after Tisha B’Ab, and one might not have a time to make the necessary purchases after Tisha B’Ab, then he may buy the items during the Nine Days. Furthermore, if the price for the items will go up after Tisha B’Ab, then one may make the purchases during the Nine Days in order to avoid a financial loss.

It is forbidden to eat meat during the Nine Days. However, the custom in our community is to eat meat on Rosh Hodesh Ab, the first of the Nine Days.

Summary: One may not have his home freshly papered or wallpapered during the Nine Days. It is preferable to avoid major purchases – such as the purchase of a car – during the Nine Days, as well as purchases for a bride and groom. However, if there may not be enough time before the wedding after Tisha B’Ab, or if the price will be higher after Tisha B’Ab, the one may make the purchases during the Nine Days. Meat is forbidden during the Nine Days, but the custom in our community is to eat meat on Rosh Hodesh Ab.


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