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Hanukah: The Halachot of Al Hanisim

In Siman 682, The Shulhan Aruch outlines the Halachot of inserting the special Hanukah addition of "Al Hanissim" in the Tefilot and Birkat Hamazon. One issue is whether it is permissible for the Shliah Sibbur to remind the congregation to insert "Al Hanisim" in the middle of Arbit. Does announcing "Al Hanisim", after the Kaddish before the Amidah, constitute a Hefsek (interruption) of the Tefila?

In Siman 236:2, Maran rules that it is permissible to do so for "Ya'aleh V'Yavo" on Rosh Hodesh. The Mishna Berura (Rav Yisrael Meir Kagan of Radin, 1839-1933) there adds that this applies to "Al Hanisim" on Hanukah as well. The Ner Sion, agrees with this, according to the letter of the law, since it is done "L'sorekh Tefila"-for the purpose of prayer, it is not considered a Hefsek (interruption). The Ben Ish Hai (Rav Yosef Haim of Baghdad, 1833-1909) in Parashat Pekudeh brings down that this was the custom of some communities. However, the accepted custom is not to announce "Al Hanisim," but rather, the first person to reach "Al Hanisim" in the silent Amidah raises his voice to remind the rest of the congregation.

If one forgot to insert "Al Hanisim" in the Amidah, he is not required to repeat the Amidah. The Poskim discuss whether it is better to skip "Al Hanisim" in order to complete the Amidah in time to recite the "Nakdishach," which according to some authorities is a fulfillment of the Torah obligation to sanctify God's name. Their conclusion is that one should continue to pray the full text of the Amidah and not skip "AL Hanisim" since that is the Misva that he is currently engaged in.

If one inserted the "Al Hanisim in the wrong place, for example he said it in the beracha of "Reseh," where Ya'aleh V'Yavo is usually inserted, he must say it again in the correct place-the Beracha of "Modim." The Sha’ar Ha’siyun (Rav Yisrael Meir Kagan of Radin, 1839-1933) in 682:2 rules that the insertion of "Al Hanisim" in the wrong place does not constitute a Hefsek (interruption) that would require him to repeat the entire Amidah.

The Hachamim did not institute a Hanukah insertion in Beracha "Me'en Shalosh"-the Beracha after snacks, and there is much discussion as to why that is.

There are numerous variant versions of the text of the "Al Hanisim." Hacham Ovadia held that it should begin "V'Al Hanisim," whereas Hacham Bension held that the custom is to say "Al Hanisim." Some have the custom to say "Bimeh Matityah," without a Vav, instead of MatityahU. Some say "Matatyah," as is written in the Siddur "Kol Yaakov." However, our custom is to say "Matityah," which is the prevailing version. Some have the reading "L'Hashkiham," instead of "Le'shakeham." Some say "Toratach," as opposed to those who say, "MiToratach." Some say "Hashmona'ee," as opposed to those who read "Hashmonai." Each person should follow his tradition.

One should not announce "Al Hanissim" during the Tefila to remind the congregation.

"Al Hanisim" should not be skipped in order to finish the Amida in time to answer Nakdishach.

If one inserted "Al Hanisim" in the wrong place, he must say it again in its proper place.

There are many variant versions of the text of "AL Hanisim," and everyone should follow their tradition.


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