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Succot- Reciting Two Berachot Before Eating in the Sukka

When a person eats bread in the Sukka, he recites two Berachot: 1) "Ha’mosi Lehem Min Ha’aretz," the Beracha one always recites before eating bread; 2) "Asher Kideshanu Be’misvotav…Le’sheb Ba’sukka" – the Beracha over the Misva of eating in the Sukka. Our community follows the view that this Beracha is recited only if one eats bread in the Sukka. When a person eats other foods, he does not recite this Beracha, even in those situations which require eating in the Sukka.

The Shulhan Aruch records two views regarding the sequence of these two Berachot. The Maharam of Rothenberg (Germany, 1215-1293) held that one should first recite the Beracha of "Le’sheb Ba’sukka," and only thereafter "Ha’mosi." The practice of the Rosh (Rabbenu Asher Ben Yehiel, Germany-Spain, 1250-1327), however, was to recite the Berachot in the reverse sequence – "Ha’mosi," followed by "Le’sheb Ba’sukka."

The Ben Ish Hai (Rabbi Yosef Haim of Baghdad, 1833-1909), the Kaf Ha’haim (Rabbi Yaakov Sofer, Baghdad, 1870-1939) and Hacham Ovadia Yosef all rule in accordance with the first view, that one should first recite "Le’sheb Ba’sukka" followed by "Ha’mosi." There is, however, a prevalent custom in our community to follow the second view, and to recite "Ha’mosi" before "Le’sheb Ba’sukka." Both customs have a basis in Halacha and are valid.

It must be emphasized, however, that this discussion pertains only to meals during which Kiddush is not recited, such as during Hol Ha’mo’ed and at Se’uda Shelishit on Shabbat. However, at a Shabbat or Yom Tob meal where Kiddush is recited, according to all views we insert the Beracha of "Le’sheb Ba’sukka" as part of the Kiddush recitation, as printed in the Siddurim, before we recite the Beracha over bread. It is only regarding cases when we do not recite Kiddush that different customs exist concerning when the Beracha of "Le’sheb Ba’sukka" is recited.

Summary: The custom in our community is to recite the Beracha of "Le’sheb Ba’sukka" before eating in the Sukka only when one eats bread. Some recite this Beracha before "Ha’mosi," whereas others recite it after "Ha’mosi"; both customs are acceptable. However, at a meal where Kiddush recited, according to all views the Beracha of "Le’sheb Ba’sukka" is inserted as part of the Kiddush, before one recites the Beracha over bread.


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