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 Rachel and Salar Hakham

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Sefirat HaOmer- May One Count the Omer with a Beracha After Asking, "Is Today Such-and-Such Day"?

Occasionally, before counting the Omer a person might wish to verify that night's number by asking his fellow, "Is tonight such-and-such day in the Omer?" The question arises, if he in fact mentioned the correct number, has he then fulfilled the Misva of counting, such that he can no longer count with a Beracha? One might argue that since he explicitly stated that night's counting, albeit in question form, he has in effect counted and has thus already fulfilled his obligation.

Similarly, one might ask whether the person who responded to the question fulfills the obligation to count through his response. Even though he simply said the word, "Yes," might we say that his confirmation amounts to an actual counting, and he therefore can no longer count with a Beracha?

The Halachic authorities rule – based on a comment in the work Zechor Le'Avraham – that one does not, in fact, fulfill the obligation to count by posing a question. Counting is performed by definitively stating the given number, and not in the form of a question. What more, the person who inquires about that night's counting clearly has no intention to fulfill the obligation through his inquiry. And certainly the one who answered, "Yes" does not fulfill the obligation to count with this response, which makes no mention whatsoever of that night's counting. Thus, both the questioner and the respondent may count the Omer that night with a Beracha.

Summary: If a person asks his fellow before counting the Omer, "Is tonight such-and-such day of the Omer," and his fellow answers, "Yes," neither is considered to have fulfilled the obligation by posing the question or giving the response. As such, both may and should count as usual that night, with a Beracha.


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