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May One Answer "Amen" After Reciting "Yiheyu Le'ratzon" at the End of the Amida?

Towards the end of the Amida prayer, one recites the Beracha of "Sim Shalom" followed by the verse "Yiheyu Le'ratzon Imrei Fi…" and then the paragraph of "Elokai Netzor." Which interruptions are allowed during the recitation of "Elokai Netzor"? May one answer "Amen" upon hearing Berachot, or answer to Nakdishach and Kaddish?

Chacham Ovadia Yosef, in Halichot Olam (vol. 1, p. 139), cites the ruling of the Ben Ish Chai (Rabbi Yosef Chayim of Baghdad, 1833-1909) that after one recites the verse "Yiheyu Le'ratzon" he may then answer "Amen" to any Beracha (listen to audio clip for precise citation). For instance, if a person recites "Elokai Netzor" while the Chazan recites the repetition of the Amida, he should answer "Amen" to the Chazan's Berachot. Chacham Ovadia, however, disputes this ruling, arguing that one may not interrupt his recitation of "Elokai Netzor" to answer "Amen" to Berachot.

If a person hears the congregation reciting "Nakdishach" while he recites "Elokai Netzor," he may recite with them only the two lines of "Kadosh Kadosh…" and "Baruch Kevod…" He does not interrupt "Elokai Netzor" to join in the recitation of the rest of "Nakdishach."

If a person hears Kaddish as he recites "Elokai Netzor," then, according to Chacham Ovadia Yosef, he may answer the first five "Amen" responses in the Kaddish, and answer "Yehei Shemei Rabba Mevarach Le'alam U'le'olmei Almaya Yitbarach." However, the Kaf Ha'chayim (by Rabbi Chayim Palachi, rabbi of Izmir, Turkey, 19th century) and Ben Ish Chai maintain based on the teachings of the Arizal (the great Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, 1534-1572) that whenever one answers "Yehei Shemei Rabba," he must continue with the entire passage, through the words, "De'amiran Be'alma." Therefore, if a person hears Kaddish while he is reciting "Elokai Netzor," he should answer the first five "Amen" responses as well as "Yehei Shemei Rabba" through the words "De'amiran Be'alma."

Summary: During the recitation of the "Elokai Netzor" paragraph at the end of the Amida, after one has recited the verse "Yiheyu Le'ratzon," he may join the congregation in reciting "Kadosh Kadosh…" and "Baruch Kevod…" in "Nakdishach," and he may join in the first five "Amen" responses of Kaddish and in the response of "Yehei Shemei Rabba" through the words "De'amiran Be'alma."


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