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Halachot of Oneg Shabbat

Besides what one did for the preparations of the Shabbat on Friday like the Halacha says, there is a special Misva to prepare for the Shabbat right before sunset.

There is a misva to have good food and good wine on the Shabbat being, that it is for the sake of honoring G-d and the holy Shabbat. However, The Hesed le’alafim (Rav Eliezer Papo 1786-1827) writes, that if one prefers to take the extra money that he has, and instead of spending it on expensive meat and wine, he rather spend it on the needy rabbis and the destitute of his community, this is not only allowed, but it is recommended. The Rabbis of the Midrash write, that David Hamelech while collecting for the Bet Hamikdash asked G-d if it is better to collect a lot of money and build a beautiful structure for his honor, or, to build a mediocre edifice and to give the extra money to the poor. G-d answered that of course being that it was a famine and people were starving, he should give the surplus to the poor, for why should I have a beautiful home if my children can’t even put bread on their tables.

However, one must know the proper balance, and not give all his money to the poor, while he and his family do not have the delicacies of the Shabbat.


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